
Ch. 10, § 7


api (tu) khalu punar bhaiṣajyarāja tathāgatacīvarebhi pracchannās te kulaputrā sarve vedayitavyā anyalokadhātusthitebhiś ca tebhis tathāgatebhir avalokitāś cādhiṣṭhitāś ca pratyātmikaṃ ca teṣāṃ śraddhābalaṃ bhaviṣyati kuśalamūlabalaṃ ca praṇidhānabalaṃ ca tathāgatavihāre ekasthānavāsinaś ca bhaiṣajyarāja te kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vā bhaviṣyaṃti tathāgatapāṇiparimārjitamūrdhānaś ca te kulaputrā bhaviṣyaṃti・ye imaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ tathāgatasya parinirvr̥tasya śraddadhāsya(ṃ)ti udgr̥hṇiṣuaṃti dhārayuṣyaṃti lkhiṣyaṃti vācayiṣyaṃti likhitvā ca satkariṣyaṃti gurukariṣyaṃti mānayiṣyamti pūjayiṣyaṃti pareṣāṃ ca śrāvayiṣyaṃti

api tu khalu puna(r) bhaiṣajyarāja tathāgatacīvaracchannās te kulaputrā vā kuladuhitā vā veditavyāḥ / anyalokadhātusthitaiś ca tathāgatair avalokitāś cādhiṣṭhitāś ca pratyātmikaṃ ca teṣāṃ śraddhābalam bhaviṣyati / kusalamūlañ ca praṇidhānabalaṃ ca tathāgatavihāraikasthāna[ṃ]vāśinaś ca te bhaiṣajyarāja kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vā bhaviṣyanti / tathāgatapāṇiparimārjitamū(r)dhanānaś ca bhaviṣyanti / ya ima(ṃ) dharmaparyāyaṃ tathāgatasya parinirvṛtasya śraddadhiṣyanti / vācayiṣyanti likhiṣyanti satkariṣyanti pareṣāñ ca śrāvayiṣyanti /

api tu khalu punar bhaiṣajyarāja tathāgatacīvaracchannās te kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vā veditavyāḥ | anyalokadhātusthitaiś ca tathāgatair avalokitāś ca adhiṣṭhitāś ca | pratyātmikaṃ ca teṣāṃ śraddhābalaṃ bhaviṣyati, kuśalamūlabalaṃ ca praṇidhānabalaṃ ca | tathāgatavihāraikasthānanivāsinaś ca te bhaiṣajyarāja kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vā bhaviṣyanti, tathāgatapāṇiparimārjitamūrdhānaś ca te bhaviṣyanti, ya imaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ tathāgatasya parinirvṛtasya śraddadhiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti likhiṣyanti satkariṣyanti gurukariṣyanti pareṣāṃ ca saṃśrāvayiṣyanti ||
De plus, ô Bhâichadjyarâdja, ils doivent être regardés comme couverts du vêtement du Tathâgata; ils sont vus, ils sont bénis par les Tathâgatas qui se trouvent dans les autres univers, et ils auront la force d'une foi personnelle, ainsi que celle de la racine des actions méritoires, et celle de la prière; ils seront, ô Bhâichadjyarâdja, habitants du même Vihâra que le Tathâgata, ils auront le front essuyé par la main du Tathâgata, ces fils ou ces filles de famille, qui, lorsque le Tathâgata sera entré dans le Nirvâna complet, auront foi dans cette exposition de la loi, qui la réciteront, l'écriront , la vénéreront, l'honoreront et l'expliqueront aux autres avec des développements.
Nevertheless, Bhaishagyarâga, one has to consider those young men or young ladies of good family to be invested with the robes of the Tathâgata; to be regarded and blessed by the Tathâgatas living in other worlds, that they shall have the force of individual persuasion, the force that is rooted in virtue, and the force of a pious vow. They shall dwell apart in the convents of the Tathâgata, Bhaishagyarâga, and shall have their heads stroked by the hand of the Tathâgata, those young men and young ladies of good family, who after the complete extinction of the Tathâgata shall believe, read, write, honour this Dharmaparyâya and recite it to others.

