vayam asmiṃ bhagava(ṃ) jīrṇā vṛddhā mahallakā asmin bhikṣusaṃghe sthavirasaṃmatā; jarājīrṇābhūtā nirvāṇaprāptā 'smīti bhagava(n) nissaṃśayaṃni-uddhyāmaḥ anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau vayaṃ bhadanta bhagavann apratibalā vīryāraṃbhasya yada 'pi tāvad bhagavan dharmaṃ deśayati ciraniṣaṇṇaś ca bhagavan bhavati; vayaṃ ca tatra dharmaśravaṇāya pratyupasthitā bhavāmaḥ tato 'py asmākaṃ bhagavaṃś ciraniṣaṇṇānāṃ cira(ṃ) bhagavato paryupāsamānānām aṃgapratyaṃgāni duḥkhaṃti sa[ṃ]ndhīni (visandhīni) ca du(ḥ)khaṃti; tato vayaṃ bhagavan bhayena bhagavato dharmaṃ deśayamānasya śunyatānimittāpraṇihitāṃ samādhiṃ sarva(ṃ) manasikaroma nāsmābhir bhagavaṃs tatra bodhisatvadharmeṣu (bu)ddhakṣetraguṇaviyūheṣu vā bodhisatvavikrrīḍiteṣu vā tathāgatavikrrīḍiteṣu vā spṛhotpāditā[s] tat kasya heto; yaṃ caiva bhagavaṃs traidhātukā[ṃ]n nirdhāvitā 'smīti nirvāṇasaṃjñino 'sma yaṃ cāsma jarābhibhūtā jīrṇeti kṛtvā tata; asmābhir api bhagavaṃn anye bodhisatvā avavaditā babhūvur anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau anuśāsayamānaś ca te bodhisatvā nā[ma]smābhir bhagavaṃs tatraikam api cittaṃ spṛhanasahagatam utpāditam abhūt te vayaṃ bhagavaṃn etarhi bhagavataḥ sāntikāc chrāvakānām api vyākaraṇam anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau bhavatīti śrutvā āścaryaprāptā adbhutaprāptā mahālābhaprāptā 'sma bhagava[ṃ]nn adya sahasā 'kāra(ṇa)m eva bhagavann [asmābhir] idam evarūpaṃ aśrutapūrvaṃ tathāgataghoṣa(ṃ) śrutvā mahāratnapratilabdhā(ś) cāsmai bhagavann adya aprameyaratnapratilabdhāś cāsmai bhagavann amargitan aparyeṣitaṃ aprārthitaṃ avicintitam asmābhir bhadanta bhagavann idam evarūpaṃ mahāratna(ṃ) pratilabdhaṃ pratibhāti no bhagavan pratibhāti no sugatodāharaṇam
vayaṃ hi bhagavan jīrṇṇā vṛddhā mahallakā asmiṃ bhikṣusaṃghe sthavirasammatā jarājīrṇṇabhūtā: nirvāṇaprāptā 'sma iti bhagavan nirutsukā anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau apratibalavīryāraṃbhā 'sma / yadā 'pi bhagavāṃ dharmaṃ desayati ciraniṣaṇṇa[ṃ]ś ca bhagavāṃ bhavati / vayuñ ca tasyāṃ dharmadeśanāyāṃ pratyupasthitā bhavāmaḥ tadā 'py asmākaṃ bhagavaṃś ciraniṣaṇṇānāṃ bhagavantaṃ cirapatyupāsātāṃ aṅgapratyaṅgāni duḥkhanti / sandhivisandhayaś ca duḥkhanti tato vayaṃ bhagavan bhagavato dharmaṃ desayamānasya śūnyatānimittāpraṇihitaṃ sarvam āviṣkaromi / nāsmābhir eṣu dharmeṣu buddhakṣetravyūheṣu vā bodhisatvavikrīḍiteṣu vā tathāgatavikrīdiṭeṣu vā spṛhā utpāditā : //
tat kasya hetor yac cāsma bhagavaṃs traidhātukān nirddhāvitā nirvāṇasaṃjñino yaś ca jarājīrṇṇās tato bhagavann asmābhir apy anye bodhisatvā avavaditā abhūvan anuttārāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau // anupraviṣṭāś ca na ca bhagavaṃ tatrāsmābhir ekam api spṛhācittam utpāditam abhūt / te vayaṃ bhagavaṃn aitarhi bhagavato 'ntikāc chrāvakānām api vyākaraṇam anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau bhavatīti śrutvā āścaryādbhutaprāptā mahālābhaprāptā 'sma bhagavaṃ adya ahasaiva imam evaṃrūpaṃ aśrutapūrvaṃ tathāgataghoṣaṃ śrutvā mahāratnapratilabdhaś cāsma bhagavann aprameyaratnapratilabdhāś cāsma bhagavann amārgitam aparyeṣitam acintitam aprārthitañ cāsmābhir bhagavann idam evaṃrūpaṃ mahāratna(ṃ) pratilabdhaṃ pratibhāti no bhavagan pratibhāti naḥ sugata: //
tat kasya hetor yac cāsma bhagavaṃs traidhātukān nirddhāvitā nirvāṇasaṃjñino yaś ca jarājīrṇṇās tato bhagavann asmābhir apy anye bodhisatvā avavaditā abhūvan anuttārāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau // anupraviṣṭāś ca na ca bhagavaṃ tatrāsmābhir ekam api spṛhācittam utpāditam abhūt / te vayaṃ bhagavaṃn aitarhi bhagavato 'ntikāc chrāvakānām api vyākaraṇam anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau bhavatīti śrutvā āścaryādbhutaprāptā mahālābhaprāptā 'sma bhagavaṃ adya ahasaiva imam evaṃrūpaṃ aśrutapūrvaṃ tathāgataghoṣaṃ śrutvā mahāratnapratilabdhaś cāsma bhagavann aprameyaratnapratilabdhāś cāsma bhagavann amārgitam aparyeṣitam acintitam aprārthitañ cāsmābhir bhagavann idam evaṃrūpaṃ mahāratna(ṃ) pratilabdhaṃ pratibhāti no bhavagan pratibhāti naḥ sugata: //
vayaṃ hi bhagavan jīrṇā vṛddhā mahallakā asmin bhikṣusaṃghe sthavirasaṃmatā jarājīrṇībhūtā nirvāṇaprāptāḥ sma iti bhagavan nirudyamā anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhāvapratibalāḥ smaḥ, aprativīryārambhāḥ smaḥ | yadāpi bhagavān dharmaṃ deśayati, ciraṃ niṣaṇṇaś ca bhagavān bhavati, vayaṃ ca tasyāṃ dharmadeśanāyāṃ pratyupasthitā bhavāmaḥ, tadāpy asmākaṃ bhagavan ciraṃ niṣaṇṇānāṃ bhagavantaṃ ciraṃ paryupāsitānāmaṅgapratyaṅgāni duḥkhanti, saṃdhivisaṃdhayaśca duḥkhanti | tato vayaṃ bhagavan bhagavato dharmaṃ deśayamānasya śūnyatānimittāpraṇihitaṃ sarvamāviṣkurmaḥ | nāsmābhir eṣu buddhadharmeṣu buddhakṣetravyūheṣu vā bodhisattvavikrīḍiteṣu vā tathāgatavikrīḍiteṣu vā spṛhotpāditā | tat kasya hetoḥ? yac cāsmād bhagavaṃs traidhātukān nirdhāvitā nirvāṇasaṃjñinaḥ, vayaṃ ca jarājīrṇāḥ | tato bhagavan asmābhirapyanye bodhisattvā avavaditā abhūvannanuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau, anuśiṣṭāśca | na ca bhagavaṃs tatrāsmābhir ekam api spṛhācittam utpāditam abhūt | te vayaṃ bhagavannetarhi bhagavato 'ntikācchrāvakāṇām api vyākaraṇam anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau bhavatīti śrutvā āścaryādbhutaprāptā mahālābhaprāptāḥ smaḥ | bhagavannadya sahasaivemam evaṃrūpam aśrutapūrvaṃ tathāgataghoṣaṃ śrutvā mahāratnapratilabdhāśca smaḥ | bhagavan aprameyaratnapratilabdhāśca smaḥ | bhagavan amārgitamaparyeṣṭamacintitamaprārthitaṃ cāsmābhir bhagavann idam evaṃ rūpaṃ mahāratnaṃ pratilabdham | pratibhāti no bhagavan, pratibhāti naḥ sugata |
Nous sommes vieux, ô Bhagavat, âgés, cassés; nous sommes respectés comme Sthaviras dans cette assemblée de Religieux. Epuisés par l'âge, nous nous disons : « Nous avons obtenu le Nirvâna; » nous ne pouvons plus faire d'efforts, ô Bhagavat, pour arriver à l'état suprême de Buddha parfaitement accompli; nous sommes impuissants; nous sommes hors d'état de faire usage de nos forces. Aussi, quand Bhagavat expose la loi, que Bhagavat reste longtemps assis et que nous assistons à cette exposition de la loi, alors, ô Bhagavat, assis pendant longtemps et pendant longtemps occupés à honorer Bhagavat, nos membres et les portions de nos membres, ainsi que nos articulations et les parties qui les composent, éprouvent de la douleur. De là vient que, quand nous démontrons, durant le temps où Bhagavat enseigne la loi, l'état de vide, l'absence de toute cause, l'absence de tout objet, nous ne concevons pas l'espérance soit d'atteindre à ces lois du Buddha, soit d'habiter dans ces demeures qu'on nomme les terres des Buddhas, soit de nous livrer aux voluptés des Bôdhisattvas ou à celles des Tathâgatas. Pourquoi cela ? C'est que, ô Bhagavat, attirés en dehors de la réunion des trois mondes, nous imaginant être arrivés au Nirvana, nous sommes en même temps épuisés par l'âge et par les maladies. C'est pourquoi, ô Bhagavat, au moment où d'autres Bôdhisattvas ont été instruits par nous, et ont appris qu'ils parviendraient un jour à l'état suprême de Buddha parfaitement accompli, alors, ô Bhagavat, pas une seule pensée d'espérance relative à cet état, ne s'est produite en nous. C'est pourquoi, ô Bhagavat, entendant ici de ta bouche ce que tu viens de dire : « La prédiction de l'état « futur de Buddha parfaitement accompli s'applique aussi aux Çrâvakas, »nous sommes frappés de surprise et d'étonnement. Nous avons obtenu aujourd'hui un grand objet, ô Bhagavat, aussitôt que nous avons entendu cette voix de Bhagavat, que nous n'avions pas ouïe précédemment; nous nous sommes trouvés en possession d'un grand joyau, ô Bhagavat, en possession d'un joyau incomparable. Oui, Bhagavat, le joyau que nous avons acquis n'était ni recherché, ni poursuivi, ni attendu, ni demandé par nous. C'est là ce qu'il nous semble, ô Bhagavat; c'est là ce qu'il nous semble, ô Sugata.
Lord, we are old, aged, advanced in years; honoured as seniors in this assemblage of monks. Worn out by old age we fancy that we have attained Nirvâna; we make no efforts, O Lord, for supreme perfect enlightenment; our force and exertion are inadequate to it. Though the Lord preaches the law and has long continued sitting, and though we have attended to that preaching of the law, yet, O Lord, as we have so long been sitting and so long attended the Lord's service, our greater and minor members, as well as the joints and articulations, begin to ache. Hence, O Lord, we are unable, in spite of the Lord's preaching, to realise the fact that all is vanity (or void), purposeless (or causeless, or unconditioned), and unfixed; we have conceived no longing after the Buddha-laws, the divisions of the Buddha-fields, the sports [or display of magical phenomena] of the Bodhisattvas or Tathâgatas. For by having fled out of the triple world, O Lord, we imagined having attained Nirvâna, and we are decrepit from old age. Hence, O Lord, though we have exhorted other Bodhisattvas and instructed them in supreme perfect enlightenment, we have in doing so never conceived a single thought of longing. And just now, O Lord, we are hearing from the Lord that disciples also may be predestined to supreme perfect enlightenment. We are astonished and amazed, and deem it a great gain, O Lord, that to-day, on a sudden, we have heard from the Lord a voice such as we never heard before. We have acquired a magnificent jewel, O Lord, an incomparable jewel. We had not sought, nor searched, nor expected, nor required so magnificent a jewel. It has become clear to us, O Lord; it has become clear to us, O Sugata.