ārocayāmi te bhaiṣajyarāra prativedayāmi te bah(ū)ni mayā bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāyaśatasahasrāṇi bhāṣitāni bhāṣitapū(m)i bhāṣiṣyāma ca sarveṣāṃ teṣāṃ bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāyaśatasahasrāṇām ayam eva dharmaparyāyaḥ sarvalokavipratyayanīyaḥ sarvalokāśraddadhanīyaḥ tathāgatasyaiṣa bhaiṣajyarāja abhijñā-ādhyātmikaṃ dharmarahasyaṃ tathāgatabala-ārakṣitaṃ aprabhinnapūrvam idaṃ sthānaṃ anācakṣitapūrvaṃ. tat kasya heto(r). bahujanaprratikṣipto’yam etad bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāyaṃ tiṣṭhato ’pi tathāgatasya prabhikṣipto:kaḥ punar vādaḥ parinirvrtasya
ārocayāmi te bhaiṣajyarājā prativedayāmi bahuvo hi mayā bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyā(yā) bhāṣitā bhāṣāmi bhāṣiṣyāmi ca sarveṣāñ ca teṣāṃ bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāyāṇam ayam eva dharmaparyāyaḥ sarvalokavipratyaṇīyaḥ sarvalokāśraddadhanīyaḥ tathāgatasyāpy etad bhaiṣajyarāja adhyātmika(ṃ) dha[ṃ]rmarahasyan tathāgatabalasaṃrakṣitam aprabhinnapūrvam anākhyātam idam sthānaṃ bahujanapratikṣipto 'yaṃ bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāya[ṃ]s tiṣṭhato 'pi tathāgatasya kaḥ punar vādaḥ parinirvṛtasya
ārocayāmi te bhaiṣajyarāja, prativedayāmi te | bahavo hi mayā bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāyā bhāṣitāḥ, bhāṣāmi bhāṣiṣye ca | sarveṣāṃ ca teṣāṃ bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāyāṇāmayam eva dharmaparyāyaḥ sarvalokavipratyanīkaḥ sarvalokāśraddadhanīyaḥ | tathāgatasyāpy etad bhaiṣajyarāja ādhyātmikadharmarahasyaṃ tathāgatabalasaṃrakṣitam apratibhinnapūrvam anācakṣitapūrvam anākhyātam idaṃ sthānam | bahujanapratikṣipto 'yaṃ bhaiṣajyarāja dharmaparyāyastiṣṭhato 'pi tathāgatasya, kaḥ punar vādaḥ parinirvṛtasya ||
Je vais te parler, ô Bhâichadjyarâdja, je vais t'instruire. Oui, j'ai fait jadis de nombreuses expositions de la loi, j'en fais maintenant et j'en ferai encore dans l'avenir. De toutes ces expositions de la loi, celle que je fais aujourd'hui ne doit pas recevoir l'assentiment du monde; elle ne doit pas être accueillie par le monde avec foi. C'est là, ô Bhâichadjyarâdja, le grand secret de la contemplation des connaissances surnaturelles que possède le Tathâgata, secret gardé par la force du Tathâgata, et qui jusqu'à présent n'a pas été divulgué. Non, cette thèse n'a pas été exposée jusqu'à ce jour. Cette exposition de la loi, ô Bhâichadjyarâdja, est l'objet des mépris de beaucoup de gens, même pendant qu'existe en ce monde le Tathâgata; que sera-ce donc, quand il sera entré dans le Nirvana complet?
I announce to thee, Bhaishagyarâga, I declare to thee, that many are the Dharmaparyâyas which I have propounded, am propounding, and shall propound. And among all those Dharmaparyâyas, Bhaishagyarâga, it is this which is apt to meet with no acceptance with everybody, to find no belief with everybody. This, indeed, Bhaishagyarâga, is the transcendent spiritual esoteric lore of the law, preserved by the power of the Tathâgatas, but never divulged; it is an article (of creed) not yet made known. By the majority of people, Bhaishagyarâga, this Dharmaparyâya is rejected during the lifetime of the Tathâgata; in far higher degree such will be the case after his complete extinction.